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MLex market insight にコメントが掲載されました


平山賢太郎弁護士によるコメント(経済産業省 標準必須特許ライセンス取引環境のあり方研究会に関するコメント)が、競争法専門ニュースサービス MLex market insightの記事「Japanese companies face jurisdiction hurdle in disputes involving global supply chains」(2021年6月25日)に掲載されました。

Kentaro Hirayama, an antitrust expert and a member of METl's study group, said that Japanese companies will be increasingly troubled about how to handle SEPs for connected products because there are no global standards or agreements on the SEPs for connected products between patent holders and users. Also, there are no legal cases in Japan that would provide a guide for how to deal with such disputes.
"Discussions at the METI study group on SEP negotiations in the context of connected products would be, if published as a report, a helpful and timely guide for Japanese companies and would offer the Japanese government's stance on the global discussions," said Hirayama, a lawyer and associate law professor at Kyushu University.

